Dockside Extortionist: Anti-semitic depictions in Magic

It is never easy to talk about anti-Semitism, and especially not anti-Semitism in magic. Any member of a marginalised group group knows that even attempting to discuss discrimination in magic brings with it a barrage of hate from alt-right trolls and nazis. However I have finally reached my breaking point where as a Jew I can no longer remain silent; it is time to talk about Dockside Extortionist. In this article I will examine how Dockside Extortionist portrays and reinforces hateful anti-Semitic stereotypes, and how they cause real harm to members of our community. TW for the rest of the article, I will be discussing and displaying extremely hateful caricatures of the Jewish people. Below you will see a comparison between the art of Dockside Extortionist (center) and common offensive anti-Semitic caricatures of Jews.

The most striking similarity is the nose. The nose of the “goblin” in Dockside Extortionist is clearly identical to the stereotypical “hooked nose” of the Jewish stereotype. Note the identical expression on Dockside with the caricature on the left, the eyes squinting in the same manner. Dockside’s rounded glasses bear a striking similarity to the style of glasses common amongst Jewish stereotypes, as portrayed by the caricature on the right. Even the hat bears some resemblance to the “Hoiche” hats common to Orthodox Jews. Even the use of a “goblin” is in itself anti-Semitic, you only have to look as far as J.K R*wling’s depiction of goblins as greedy, hook-nosed bankers to see their connections to anti-Semitic tropes in western media.

All together, the resemblance is uncanny. If it stopped at the art, perhaps I could write this off as coincidence, but when combined with the name and effect of the card, the anti-Semitic nature is indisputable. The name “Dockside Extortionist” clearly indicates the flavor of the card is that the “goblin” is taking money against its owner’s will, and the effect of card makes treasure tokens (money/coins) based on artifacts your opponents control. Combined with the art, this creates a card showing a stereotypical greedy Jewish moneylender. The focus on money in card’s name, art, and effect clearly reinforces the anti-Semitic theme of the card, and links the stereotypical depiction in the art to a mechanical effect depicting the “goblin” charging interest, and greedily hoarding money.

It cannot be a coincidence that the card strongly resembling the stereotypical Jew mechanically and flavorfully involves taking money from others.

Now to be very clear, I am not accusing the artist of intentional anti-Semitism. I think it is likely that this is a result of the internalised unconscious anti-Semitism which is rampant in our society. But the results are indisputable. The below image quickly summarises my overall argument .

In 2022 I shouldn’t need to explain why bigoted depictions such as the above are extremely harmful, but since some people still don’t seem to get it, I will briefly detail just a few of the horrific experiences I have had with this card.

I have frequently spotted players rubbing their hands together in a manner heavily associated with Jews (see above) to signify greed, upon casting this card. Many times I have experienced players saying “Oy vey!” in response to an opponent playing this card, sometimes under their breath, sometimes out loud, to the humor of the other players. Once, after resolve a Dockside, my opponent exclaimed “Give me all your Shekels!” while doing an impression of a stereotypical Jewish accent. None of these were isolated incidents, all by different players, and these are just a few examples. There are many more. I have head similar stories from all my Magic-playing Jewish friends. Many of them are terrified of the harassment that comes with speaking out against anti-Semitism, instead choosing to stay silent, and bear the jokes and microaggressions. It does not help that dockside extortionist is an extremely popular EDH card, in nearly every red deck. With the card being played so often, and commonly flickered to reuse the etb, the sheer volume of these offensive comments becomes unbearable. Something has to change.

So what can be done? It is clear to anyone that cares about diversity and inclusion that Wizards is not interested in making real change (their hiring practices show as much). Fortunately, Commander is the one format still controlled by the players. I call upon all members of the magic community who care about diversity and equality, to lobby the commander rules committee to ban Dockside Extortionist in commander, as they have done previously with other offensive cards. We are fortunate enough to have influential members of the commander community such as Shivam, the Command Zone, any many others have who have shown they are will to stand up for what is right, and make their voices heard. Together we can make a real step towards eliminating anti-Semitism in Magic. There will be further to go, how long will it be until WotC finally prints a Jewish planeswalker, maybe a promo card celebrating Hanukkah like they do Christmas. I would even take an Israel Secret Lair. But banning Dockside Extortionist is a real step that we can take as a community to fight anti-Semitism in Magic. Make your thoughts heard to the rules committee by using the hashtag #BanDockside on twitter.

Article written by Kevin, who while working on his physics PhD at Tel Aviv University, always enjoys finding time to produce MTG articles.

5 thoughts on “Dockside Extortionist: Anti-semitic depictions in Magic

  1. To start off – clean up your article…

    “Any member of a marginalised group group”
    “such as Shivam, the Command Zone, any many others”

    If you want to be taken seriously as a writer, you have to take your writing seriously. Re-read your work. Fix your errors. Get help if you’re not good at doing your own editing.

    I don’t find that your meme you included in the middle of your piece furthers your argument. It feels heavy-handed and unnecessary. We get it – you’re offended by Dockside Extortionist and find it anti-Semitic. I think you’d do better to remove the meme and do the work to back up some of your other assertions – like that WotC has issues with representation in its hiring practices.

    As for your overall argument, my mind goes to the following…

    When you pull back the camera and look at all goblins in Magic’s history (or even its recent history) is there a prevalence of goblins that represent anti-semitic stereotypes?

    Is this just one out of hundreds of goblin depictions that you are taking issue with?

    If there ARE hundreds of goblins in the history of Magic, is it unreasonable for one (or even a handful) to be might depicted as a greedy “extortionist” type of character?

    Is WotC not allowed to have a single goblin that could be taken to “look Jewish” and also happens to be oriented around treasure/gold?

    From your column, it sounds like your answer would be a resounding “no”.

    To me, it feels like this might be a case where you’re grasping for reasons to ban a card you don’t like. I get it – lots of people are tired of Dockside’s impact on EDH, but I don’t think this is the way to get rid of it.

    I don’t deny that you’ve seen people saying anti-Semitic things, though I genuinely doubt that they are “horrific”. That said – not being part of that minority group might make me unable to appreciate the sheer and utter horror of someone making a joke and using a silly accent and the term “Shekels”.

    I personally don’t think banning this card will do anything about reducing the amount of anti-Semitism in the world. Ending the open-air prison that is Gaza and stopping the Zionist, racist, expansionist policies of the right-wing government of Israel might do more, but these things aren’t easy, they aren’t under our control, and they take time. I could see the argument of “why not both” and I do think Dockside is problematic, but again – you are suggesting WotC cannot have a single greedy Goblin because sensitive players who play at stores where people are making anti-Semitic jokes simply can’t take it. I don’t think that’s a compelling reason for a format-wide ban.

    The J.K. Rowling situation is an interesting comparison. Are all of her greedy moneylenders caricatures of Jews? I think it’s a strong argument that they are. Are all greedy creatures in Magic caricatures of Jews? Are all goblins caricatures of Jews? Is any depiction of someone with a hat, glasses, and a big nose by definition a caricature of a Jew? It feels like you’re stretching here, and if nothing else your suggestion that your argument is “indisputable” feels like an overreach.

    I don’t have “the answer” to these questions, but I don’t find this draft of your article compelling, or at least compelling enough to win me over. Yes there is antisemitism in the world. I just don’t buy that this card is the huge issue you suggest it is, and that it needs to be banned on the grounds you attempt to lay out in your writing.

    For reference – I’m neither Jewish nor particularly religious. I live in New England (USA). I grew up having Jewish friends and still have Jewish friends, but that on its own does not mean I couldn’t be anti-Semitic. I am strongly opposed to the right-wing Zionist movement and want to see an end to the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank and an end to the illegal settlements. If that makes me anti-Semitic in your eyes, I guess you’re going to see me how you see me.

    Good luck with your writing. I expect you’ll get a lot of very negative (and positive) reactions to this. Don’t let the trolls get you down.

    I’ll keep an eye out for this in case you do attempt to rework it – but you certainly don’t need to do so on my account.


    1. Hi Stephen,

      I think this reply is frankly disgusting, low effort and reactionary. Imagine replying to a BIPOC of colour like this, doubting their suffering and criticizing their grammar (which, btw, is rooted in white supremecy and imperialism). It’s 2022 and you should do better to elevate oppressed voices and believe non-whites (yes, Jews are not white). Time to reflect and take a step back to allow marginilised bodies to fill the space.

      Daniel Katz


      1. What part of my reply was “disgusting”?

        Please be specific. If you just declare any diverging opinion to be utterly repellent – you won’t be bolstering your case your own reply to be taken at all seriously.


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